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Showing posts with label kona coast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kona coast. Show all posts

Dolphin entangled with fishing line rescued by divers in Kona Hawaii

This video shows the rescue of a wild Bottlenose Dolphin from entaglement between its mouth and left pectoral fin.

It is a testimony of a wild dolphin in need and the humans that "rescued" it.

The assistance provided to this dolphin was given by professional divers with thousands of hours of experience. It was an unusual event.
The compassion extended to this animal by the divers is something we should aspire to, not criticize.

Facts: January 11, 2013
Open Ocean Manta Ray Night Dive off the Kona Coast, Hawaii.
The guests (snorkelers and divers) were enjoying the Manta Rays that were feeding on plankton.
A Bottlenose Dolphin swam into the lighted area.The dive instructors noticed entanglement by fishing ling that restricted movement. They made the decision to render assistance based on the dolphin´s behavior.